Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

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Look What’s Coming

This last Sunday we had a great time of worship. It was thick and full of His presence. Later that evening during the prayer room set we continued in His presence. As we were praying over 1 Chron. 16 I did a chain reference search of part of this chapter. It lead me to Joel Ch. 3:18 and the section of “…mountains shall drip new wine…” This caught my attention so I back tracked a little bit to verse 12. From this point it talks of judgment, wickedness and just plain ugliness coming. As of this posting its not to far off. Then is verse 16 it takes a turn for the better. Mentioning that the Lord our God is going to roar, shake things up and be there for His people.

Verse 18 talks of the blessings coming our way as His people. We’re talking new wine, brooks flooded and fountains flowing. Then we read of the Valley of Acacias. This as I read represents an abandoned land. Dry and parched land. It is going to be watered. Where there is draught God is going to bring blessings to this area.

Do not give up hope. Don’t get overwhelmed by what’s going on. God knows what is happening. He has told us this is going to happen. That’s why we need to keep our focus on Him. On all things from above. God will get us through it. We just have to be obedient to all that He asks of us. Right now that is prayer, reading the Bible and sharing the Gospel. Encouraging our brothers and sisters who may be weaker. We need to be a “body” taking care of itself.

So, look to the Heavens and seek His presence. Worship Him who gave us life and life more abundant. Thanks for reading and remember to share this post with others. That they may be encouraged.

Be blessed, Ken

The Beginning

Here we are late December thinking about 2022. Well, I have a thought. How about we move forward with what we already started. Let me put it this way. We are in December the end of the year. A time we start to focus on the next year to come. We also celebrate Christmas. A time of focusing on the birth of Jesus. Then off to the next thing. Why do we separate the two events? A birth is the beginning of life. Notice I used beginning not end. So lets use this as the beginning it is and move forward now not after the new year has come. Why wait? This is a good way to keep Jesus on our minds as we go into 2022. Our focus can be where it needs to be first of all.

One popular saying this time of the year is “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Thinking about this saying is that its very limiting. Jesus is the reason period. All day every day, every moment. Once again where is our focus? Now more than ever we need to be moving in Christ. We need to be reading His word. Walking and using His word. Being obedient to Him and His word. All this starts with a relationship with Jesus. How is yours? The simple answer is it needs to be better. For all of us. No one can say its perfect. Because there is always up? Always more and better.

These are some thoughts to encourage you. They can encourage all of us. So please start with your relationship with Jesus. He will take care of you.

Be blessed, Ken

400 Years

This morning in prayer I was thinking about Joseph. I have been reading lately of Joseph’s story. So, I thought that my thinking about him was do to that. Well God had other plans. As I was in thought the Holy Spirit putting some additional information together for me to think about. It goes something like this.

The Lord planned ahead of time and placed Joseph in Egypt. This is what is told to us in the book of Genesis. The Israelites were there for 400 years until the time of Moses. His place was to lead the people out of Egypt into the promised land. Presenting them with a covenant with God that God wanted the people to follow.

Next we have the prophet Malachi. He is the last prophet of the old testament. Part of his book talks of the coming of Jesus and the one who was to prepare the way for Jesus. this was John the Baptist. The time between the two (Malachi and John the Baptist) was 400 years. Then Jesus came and brought the new covenant. A covenant of grace.

You may be seeing a pattern here. One of 400 years. So in that vain lets look at this. In 1620 a group of people fleeing religious persecution landed at Plymouth Rock. We are now 400 years later. With the established pattern there should be someone or group put in place to bring the people back to the Lord. Our Lord coming to take His Bride home. To an everlasting covenant.

I say this to bring some thought to today and why things are happening as they are. You may be thinking that I am not “the one” to come and make a difference. Well then think about this. Do you suppose that there were not any of God’s people praying for those things to happen. I think there was always a group of devout followers praying in all those times. We may not be “the one” who does these things. There may not be any one person other than our Lord’s return. But there is still praying that needs to be done. In order for His return to be fulfilled. Many of us believe that we are in the end times. This doesn’t mean that we stop praying and doing. Lets band together as one body and do our part to help this along to being fulfilled.

Be blessed, Ken

Celebration of Life

Hey everyone, how are you doing today. I am going to do something a little bit different this time. Today we are going to celebrate the life of someone close to me. You see a few weeks ago my Mother in Law Bernice passed on to her next adventure. She was saved and did love God. Serving Him in many ways. From taking mission trips to Jamaica to just being available to serve in any area that needed help. This alone tells us that she had a servants heart. We all can learn from that. For our Lord is looking for his people to be obedient to Him and serve. Often its not something large or overly complicated just a small task. If you are willing He will use you.

Another thing that was of interest to her were butterflies. She enjoyed planting those plants that would attract them. So if it was flowers or a plant that would naturally attract them she would set them out in areas to thrive. In turn they would be there for the butterflies to land on and such. Similar to us His children. God plants us out in the world to attract others. Being able to offer them eternal life in Christ Jesus. Not only did she do this, but some of her daughters would do what they could to help out the Monarch Butterflies. Starting with the eggs all the way to the butterfly itself. You see the butterfly lays eggs and eventually they hatch. Out comes a caterpillar which eats and eats and eats some more. Then when they get to the proper size they they change into a chrysalis. After a short period of time out comes a butterfly. The chrysalis is basically green in color (My wife would tell me the exact color. But I will stick to green) with a fine line of gold near the top. Green represents life and gold represents riches and splendor. Both of these are representations of Heaven. Its no wonder she liked all this stuff.

Much of her life is a picture of her walk with God. If she knew this or not we don’t know. Along with this is the fact that many of her children walk with God also. All of this points to one who loved God. As for her children , to walk with God is a way of carrying out her legacy. Just that you now have an opportunity to take it further.

Be blessed, Ken

Wine Not

Here we are on Thanksgiving Day and I decided to share some thoughts. Last Sunday in church while worshiping, I received from our Lord a short thought. It is all about the wine. Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach ailments. This was a wow moment. Because right after that I went to communion. When we take communion we take what represents our Lord’s Body and blood. The wine represents His blood. So, in the case with Timothy, Paul was telling him to take in Jesus’ blood to help with his ailments. It is like telling him to go to Jesus first. How often do we go straight to the medicine cabinet and get some pain med’s first. It is so much easier than asking God for help. Yes I know that medicine is only available to us because God has allowed mankind to find it. Even so, Jesus is not always our first thought. How many of our ailments can go away if only we went to Jesus first.

At this point I will confess that I will go to med’s for my ailments without thinking. Maybe this is why God is giving me these thoughts. When I thought about the wine and communion, I thought about having communion with Him even more than the usual Sunday at church. But really, its about more than that. Its about having time with Him. Praying, reading and just meditating on His word. Its also about just talking with Him. How much of our time with God is one-sided. When we read do we think about what it is saying or do we just read to get thru it? When we pray do we give God our list of wants and then end our time with Him? Do we even take the time to meditate on His word. Remember that Jesus is the word. I think as a male its been ingrained in us that we don’t need that stuff. It is a sign of weakness. When in reality it just the opposite. It is a sign and showing of strength in us.

As I have been taking this all in, I have also thought of how communion affects every aspect of our lives. How often do we ask for His favor? How often does God ask us to do something and we say not now because we aren’t comfortable with it? And yet we still want His favor. Remember the great commandment is Love our Lord Jesus and then our neighbor. We say we love Him, but how do we show it? By not listening to Him. Not giving Him time in our day. Not helping out other people. We have to remind our selves that it is not about us. But when we make it about Jesus and others it comes back to us anyway. For in others obedience to love, they will love on you with His Love.

So have communion with Jesus for your ailments, your needs and for your life in general. Do this and you will find yourself in a better position. A life full and ready for whatever comes your way. Thanks for reading this and please remember to share this with others for their encouragement.

Be blessed, Ken

The Waves

Great day friends. I’m going to get started by saying that this has been a challenging week.  My work has taken me to Lake Forest, Illinois each day. Not to bad its about a 30 min. drive each way. At the job itself I have felt inadequate for the work due to a lack of experience. On  one occasion I had a partner for a day and he argued about politics for about 10 min. This is not an area I like to argue about. No point in it as I see it. Very fruitless when its one sided and the other person is not going to listen. Then I get stuck sitting on Hwy.41 for a hour because of an accident. Later that evening (yesterday) my truck broke down about a block from my destination. Either the suspension or maybe a ball joint broke. In any case its not drivable until I find a way to get it fixed. All of this is after I made up my mind to get alone with God for some quiet private time with Him. Well guess what? I got some quiet time this morning as planned. Not as long as I planned, but time all he same. So glad I did.

A week ago at our church prayer time on a Saturday night I was given some prophecy and direction. I was told of a “calling” on my life. That I was to ask God for what its all about. That I may even already know what it is. Or at least partly. This morning is te time I took to do so. The details are for me and In am not one to be a self proclaiming person. It will be confirmed by witnesses as God directs them. But, while I was sitting by Lake Michigan this morning I paid attention to the waves. Talking to God and listening, he pointed some stuff out to me. First is that today is 8/18/18 and the number 8 is symbolic of new beginnings. There are 3 of them in todays date. Secondly, He had me focus on the waves themselves. They were “rough” by our lake standards. Then He reminds me of an earlier word about the cleansing flood (see previous post) coming. They were splashing high and rather fun to watch as I like to see this type of wave. The strength of them is impressive. As I was sitting about 8 ft. back from shore and about 4-6 ft. up on some rocks. Yet, I could still get wet at times. After some rough ones there would be softer ones. Then back to rough and so on.

Next I noticed the algae floating in the water being tossed by the waves. At that i was impressed that this is the junk that God has been taking away from us with His cleansing flood and waves. Evidence of being stripped clean. This quickly brought me to Ezekiel ch. 47 verse 11 where the swamps are not fresh. They were left for the salt. Seeing the algae and stuff floating at the edges gave me the thought of the sin being pushed from us with the force of the waves. Its that removal of sin from our lives. During all this time the sun would shine on the lake in spots. Not everywhere, just in spots. For it was a cloudy morning by me over the lake. It was God saying that He is there through it all. He knows whats happening. We are never alone. For the sun didn’t shine all over just in small area’s of the water. That is a nice sign to have.

My friends do not be afraid of the waves of cleansing coming over you. For it is not to harm you, but get you ready for His will and work to be done. I believe God is preparing to make a mighty move in this area. Its just that somethings need to get done first. And that is to get His people ready for it. Cleansing is just the first step of this. As it comes over you go tom prayer, get into worship and thank God for it in your life. The more you are willing to receive it, the better off you will be. These are not hollow words. It is coming. There will be a draw  for people to go to the alter and weep. They will get on their knees and worship. They will fall before the Lord and cry out. If you see this and your not being moved, then its time to get on your knees and ask for forgiveness. Repent and be restored. The cleansing will come. Just receive it.

Be blessed, Ken

Jacob’s Ladder

Yesterday was a great day to be in church. Our service was really, really good. The worship allowed you to go to a fresh place with God. Being in His presence was more than refreshing. I feel that as of this moment I am at the end of a season and being prepared for a new one. God in His great plan is showing me some examples of what and where He wants me to be. My last posting about the turnbuckle was one of them. Giving me a little  (real little) insight into how He works things out. Now I have been given another example. This time its where He wants me to be during prayer.

I’ll start this in Gen. 28:12 “He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” God brought me to this verse and showed me a ladder at which point He said to me this. “A ladder is here. How high do you want to go?” As I was writing down the scripture reference He said “Go to the foot of the ladder. Release your petition. An angel will take it forth. Wait for your answer . An angel will bring you word sent from Heaven above. Jacob wrestled with God and wouldn’t let go until he was blessed. Don’t let go, don’t give up. Wait for your answer. Persevere.” In Gen.32:24-32 you can read the story of Jacob wrestling with a man. By the actions of this man it is believed to be our Lord who was wrestling with Jacob.

In this vision of the ladder we see angels going up and down the ladder. Angels are messengers of God. They carry His word to and fro. They do His bidding when called upon. He told me to go to the ladder and give my petition to an angel. Then wait for an angel to bring back the answer. In the mean time I was just to wait in His presence. Sitting there enjoying and be refreshed by Him. My impression of this time waiting was so that I will be in a better place to receive His answer.

So, to answer His question mentioned in the beginning I will say. All the way to the top. I don’t want to fall short of everything He has for me. How will you answer this question? Are you willing to go to the ladder and wait. Its not about what we want, but what He wants for us. Take the time to go to the ladder and release your petition and wait. See what great and wonderful things God will do.

Be blessed, Ken

Time for Change

Well I’m back with some thoughts. Its been awhile since my last posting. Mostly due to a heavy work load. With this work load I’ve put more effort into my prayer time. Taking what ever time I can. Being tired has its benefits though. Listening to Him comes a little easier. As of late this time spent with Him is leading to more sensitivity. Finding myself crying more. Crying over the state of this nation. This church body and in particular Zion Illinois. I’m still praying for revival, miracles and healing to happen. I’m also aware that the cost can be a deterrent. This cost is persecution. But, for His body to have freedom and a closer walk with Him is worth it.

We can’t expect this nation to change overnight. We should expect the Body of Christ to change. Change is necessary for Him to have His way in our lives. When we let go of who and what we are, we will see Jesus in an all new way. After this people will see Jesus in an all new way. lets start by cleansing. confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. It all starts on our knees. We all need to spend time at UBK (University of Bended Knees). Its time well spent. I want change. Are you willing to join me. Message me if you do. Any questions can message me. Just start somewhere.

Be blessed, Ken

Stepping Out

This posting isn’t going to be in the usual line of teaching or prophecy. This is a calling out or a stepping out. Lately as I have been spending time in prayer I continue to have one recurring theme. That is the future and present times of this region. As a resident of Pleasant Prairie WI I want to see a spiritual change here. One that changes the culture of this village and that of Kenosha. Where the body of Christ (yes singular body not divisional) comes together to glorify God and effect this change as only God can.

One other recurring theme is the desire to effect this same kind of change in Zion. A town founded by one of God’s modern prophets. Where the roads are given names from the Bible. Lost in this is its history. A history of healing’s and miracles taking place. People being trained and prepared to go out in the world and make a difference for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom at hand.

Back in 2001 I had a revelation or vision or even a thought. Call it whatever you want, but it came from God. He showed me in Revelation 22:1-2 this region. ” Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” This river flowed through this area between Milwaukee and Chicago. The tree has a split trunk. One part of it is in Milwaukee and the other part is in Chicago.

I say this to let you know where I am going with this. I’m looking for people to join me changing this region. We have an area that has either lost its passion or just misplaced it. A passion for Jesus Christ. A passion for the Holy Spirit to flow and be present. Not just talked about or remembered. This world we live in is changing rapidly. There is no middle ground any longer (as if there was any in the first place). You either are or you aren’t. The world is trying to separate us from them. So is God. Remember the parable of the weeds. Where the weeds grew along side of the wheat. And at the harvest the weeds were collected first and burned. Then the wheat was collected and put into the barn. We need to effect this change. Jesus is only answer. He sits at God’s right hand and intercedes for us daily. Lets go to Him and ask. Not just for this change, but what do I need to do. As a willing servant. As one who wants to be obedient to what God asks of us. This won’t be easy. Persecution is sure to come. But if it were easy everyone would be doing it. And this world would be in a different place already. One outcome of this will be revival both personal and corporately.

Please get in contact with me through this blog or through the Facebook page of this site. Message me on Facebook on my home page. If you have my email address use it and even call me if you have my number. Use whatever method you need to to get to me. Ask a friend if they know me and can get a hold of me. I know this is a long posting, but thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully respond to it.

Be blessed Ken

Giving Thanks

As this blog is about our life in Jesus Christ. Lets start by giving thanks to Him who has given us life and even more abundant. Today we celebrate the completion of His great sacrifice. His resurrection and ascent to Heaven to sit at the Fathers right hand side. Spend time in His presence today and those to come. His sacrifice is incomparable. It can’t be matched. So don’t try to match it. Praise Him, worship Him and remain obedient to His truths and ways. Giving thanks for what He has done. Sharing this good “great” news with this lost and dieing world. The gospel has not changed in 2000 years. And the answer is simple. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Mal. 3:6 says “I the Lord do not change.”

Thank you Lord for this day you have given us. Thank you Lord for all you have done and continue to do. Your Love, your grace, and your mercy are received with a very humble heart. Its hard to really and truly express my gratitude. Be with us this day as we celebrate your life. Let us sit at your feet today and enjoy your presence. Thank you again Lord for all you have done. I ask this in your great name, Amen.

Be blessed, Ken

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