Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Category: prophecy (Page 1 of 7)

A current word from God for today for a person or persons.

Simple Thoughts pt.2

Hey everyone, its not to often that I do posts this close together. As we are mostly aware of is that time is drawing closer to Jesus’ return. So once again I am digging into some words that our Lord has given me. Lets begin with one from 9/8/24. I heard “release the sorrow.” Then I saw a person walking in a desert with their head bowed low while dragging a blacksmith’s anvil behind them from a rope.

As I thought about this I was brought to Luke 21:28 which states “now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” How many of us have been here or know someone who has? over the last few years we have been going thru trying times. Both politically and spiritually. Often these two have been linked together. Even though it appears that we have hope for a better time to come, don’t relax your walk with Jesus. If we only looked at the vision we could be depressed. that is why we need to press in and listen for the answer to it. This scripture in Luke brings us this hope we need.

God is so good. He brings the added answer after allowing us time to chew on the previous vision. On 9/22/24 He said “be still, be quiet, listen, shut out the noise.” And yes I mentioned this in the last post, but it fits with the Word from 9/8/24. We can get distracted at times while looking for an answer. This Word helps us in going through the process of finding it. Talk about climbing into our closet to get away from it all.

Just a few days ago on 11/16/24 I heard “tomorrow never comes and today is to late. I want you in the middle. Go and look. For you will find Me there.” Wow, what a thought. Where is this middle? One thought is an old expression. “There is no better time than the present.” Why put off for tomorrow what we can do today. This is something we all have heard throughout our lives. What gets me about this expression is that it is not good enough. Somewhere between sleeping and waking up is the middle. going here before we start our day. For some of us it is about waking up during the night and seeking Him. We may have been awakened or just doing it out of habit, it doesn’t matter. Seek Him with all your heart and with all of who you are.

These are some of my thoughts of these that go with His Words. You may have a different view. If so, send me a text or a message telling me of them. Comments on this blog have been turned off due to all the garbage that gets put in it.

Be blessed, Ken

Simple Yet Thought Provoking

Hey everyone, how are we doing? Since the last posting our Lord has been showing me many different and yet similar things. Like the last posting about worship. Now, I would like to add a thought or two to it. The Holy Spirit was telling that worship can’t be forced. That would be like pushing a string. Its not going to happen. Worship needs to come from the heart and pure desire.

Back on August 8th. I heard the Holy Spirit say “put out to pasture.” It is a place where you go to rollover and die. But it is a place of great nourishment from undisturbed soil. It is also a quiet place where you will find me. A place where I do some of my best equipping. Don’t fear this place. Embrace it.

A couple of thoughts I had with this were about feelings. Like abandonment, this is not of the Lord. Also, we are to put to flight our feelings. Know and be sure. Faith over feelings.

After this I have had words about being like a caged animal, sorrow and Jesus as the cornerstone. On Sept. 22 the Holy Spirit told me “be still, be quiet, listen, shut out the noise.” These are good words to keep. This is a call to be with Him. Spending time in His presence.

There are more words, but those are for another time. What has been a recurring theme is our relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. As our world continues to get crazy we will need to have developed a close relationship with Him. As Jesus is cleansing His church He is also calling us to Him. The time of church as usual will not fly any longer. This is comfort and complacency. Where we do things in our own understanding leaving out our Lord and the Holy Spirit. After all, whose church is it anyway. There is no better time than now to get going on our walk with the Lord.

Be blessed, Ken

Leave the Dirt Outside

Hey everyone its that time again. This time we are going to work from a word I was given back in mid August. This one is short but strong. “Don’t carry the dirt of where you have been into my presence.” How is that for a word from the Lord? My first thought after receiving this what scripture goes with this word? Well it was as simple as Ex. 3:5 where our Lord told Moses to remove his sandals because where he was standing was holy ground.

At this point please do not be one of those who say “thanks Ken, this is a good word.” Then turn around an leave this alone . Checking out other stuff. When we gave our hearts to the Lord we confessed our sin and asked for forgiveness. We received this forgiveness and Jesus came in and now dwells within us. So, why is it so hard to ask for cleanliness from Jesus now? Remember that we live in this world even though we are not to be part of it. Therefore there is sin on and in us that needs to be gotten rid of.

Here is a thought. Are our prayers being answered? is it in a timely manner? I was prophesied over and told that this certain thing was going to happen. But it hasn’t happened. Why? Well, is it that we are carrying garbage that needs to be gotten rid of first? What does God see first when He looks upon us? Is it Jesus in us or is it all the other junk? But going back to prayers, there may be other reasons for unanswered prayers. For we know that our battle is not here on earth. It is in the heavenly places above. Even so, it is not a bad thing to be cleansed.

If you want a closer walk with God, put and keep yourself in a place of cleanliness. A place where we hear God clearly with nothing getting in the way. Jesus is looking for a bride without spot or wrinkle.

Be blessed, Ken

We’re In Hot Water

During Prayer this morning saw people being carried on the backs of other people across water. My question is why? I thought about Eze.ch.47 and the river that flows from south of the alter in the temple. About the view of ankle, knee, waist deep water and water over their heads.

I also thought about how I soaked in natural hot spring pools. Not only the benefits of the hot water, but the benefits of the minerals in the water. How I was encouraged not to shower afterward in order to get the full benefits of the minerals.

Now, what is wrong with being in water? Yes, there is water that is a barrier. In these cases miracles were performed. Moses parting the Red Sea, Elijah and Elisha using the mantle to part the waters (2 Kings 2:8-14). But water is not always a barrier. Sometimes we just need to be in it.

How many of us have been in a service, meeting or time of prayer and the presence of God was just thick and inviting. First lets note that when God is present He is present in all three persons. Jesus said that if you see me you have seen my Father. My Father is in me and I in Him. So, if both of them are there so is the Holy Spirit.; You cannot have two of them and not the third. Remember that they are 3 in one.

As we have had time in His presence we have had time with the Holy Spirit. These soaking times are a time to draw closer to Him. In turn He will use this time to add to or just plainly equip us for His work. Yes there is a “high” from being there in His presence, but there is more to it. Please don’t do this just for the high. I have seen people go from service to service just for His presence. That’s almost like going to a party and asking for the food and then leaving right after eating.

Go to a service. Go to a time of prayer or worship. Get into His presence and soak for awhile. You may get a word for yourself or someone else. You may receive a dream or vision. Getting direction for ministry is possible. Just go expecting to receive from Him something more than a feeling.

Like being in that hot spring pool and having all those minerals penetrating your body is time spent soaking in God’s presence. You are receiving from Him more than is visible to the eye. Don’t be carried across the water. Walk into it and spend time there.

Be blessed, Ken

We aren’t Ready

Hello, this me again after a few (lol) months. Going back to this last July I am going to share a couple of words our Lord told me. At the pre service prayer time on July 23 I asked the Lord “what are we not being obedient to that you aren’t (can’t) build this house?” Of which He said That we aren’t ready. So I asked “ready in what manner Lord?” After ward I kept hearing “follow up.” Referring to the week before.

So, the week before (7/16) I heard the word “do.” Asking for clarity He said “follow my example.” Of which I asked which one. He said “I did only what my Father said to do.” Jesus tells the Pharisee’s of his Father and Him being one. In John 10:24 to the end of the chapter.

Now, let us ask the Father what we are to do. But are we prepared for the answer? For the answer He gives us may not be what we were expecting. Secondly, after we hear the answer are we going to be willing to be obedient to it?

To get to a point of answering these questions we need to first work on our relationship with our God. Starting by humbling ourselves before Him. Get out of this me, myself and I thing that is so common for us. In Matt. 10:34-39 Jesus talks of what it takes to “be worthy of Him.” This is a good section to read over and over again. Also remember the great commandment. Loving Jesus with everything and all of who we are then loving our neighbor. Notice it doesn’t say to love yourself or anything like that. Because if you follow this example it will get back to you through someone else.

We need to die to flesh, humble ourselves and be willing to just say yes to Him. It is hard, but we need to start somewhere and there is no better time than now.

Jesus wants to change things and put them in order. He just wants to do it through us.

Be blessed, Ken

Forged and Crafted

As is my custom I am making this post later than I should have. My writings are too far separated from each other. Now in doing this post I have gone back to my notebook to read of some of the words the Lord has given me. This next one is from November 10, 2022 during a time of prayer.

A Vision) Watching weapons being forged. Heated, beaten, heated, beaten and folded etc. We are going through the process of becoming weapons of warfare. Reheating happens while there is still heat in the material. Don’t cool off too much. Crafted by Him with His beauty being displayed in us as weapons.

All of the trials, temptations and persecution we have gone through has just made us stronger. Being heated, beaten and folded in order to make us into that weapon He will use to fulfill His desires. Keep pressing in to our Lord and the Holy Spirit. Reading His Word as it is life for us. Worship Him with all of who we are. Surrender to Him and simply be obedient to Him. The forging process may not be comfortable but it is necessary for our growth.

In a matter related to this word I recently had another one similar to it. ” You need to build the bowl before you fill it.” Let God have His way in your life. The plans He has for us are not to harm us , but to make us stronger. Now to some of us this may be what we need to read. Others may say that ” I am already here doping this.” Just know that there is always refinement and more for us. Never stop pursuing. For the limits He has for us do not exist. We never really make it all the way while we are here on earth. Always more, always higher and never ending.

Be blessed, Ken

Hand Grenades

Hello everyone, lets talk about hand grenades. First off I must say that the following post is about a spiritual analogy. As I was pondering things this morning the thought of hand grenades came to mind (and no I haven’t watched any war movies lately). But the thought intrigued me.

These are items used to destroy various subjects. Usually the enemy, his soldiers and weapons. Wow , what a thought. We are equipped with Holy Spirit hand grenades. Used to destroy the enemy and all of his stuff. For the glory of God and the retaking of this land for Him.

You see we all have them its just that they are of different types depending on our gifts and abilities. An example is one who is called to be an intercessor. Theirs is the type will demolish chains, bondages, walls and others things that keep someone from their call, focus or even path laid out before them by the Lord. Now as for an intercessor these are not all encompassing. There is more to it. I only listed a few parts of it. A prayer warrior will use theirs to break strongholds for example. One who has discernment will use theirs to expose the enemy and make defeating them easier. I think you get the idea.

Some may say that they have been but have not seen any victory. There may be a couple reasons why this has happened. One is that we may not be fully trained in how to use it properly. Training comes from reading your Bible, praying and studying among others ways. Being a disciple of a teacher is one of the better ways. Another reason for lack of victory is that it may not have taken hold yet. Let me explain. Gods Word does not fall void. Something’s take time for them to take place. A prophetic word may be of the future. Or even one without a time frame mentioned. Then sometimes we need to learn to pull the pin and activate it before we throw it.

All this is to say we need to be doing, going and moving as one equipped of the Lord for battle. Its not just for the Pastor, Elder, Deacon and really gifted to do everything. All of us can and should be doing more for God’s kingdom. Find your gift. Know your gift. Understand it and use it for HIS glory. Now is not a time to be passive about things. Fight the Good fight of Faith. Start throwing these grenades and watch walls crumble. Chains and binds fall apart. Strongholds being demolished. Use them to clear a path for others to use their gifts in a more effective way. We are One body of many parts. All with gifts to be used for God.

Yes the enemy will fight back. Just know that you are hitting your target and need to continue to fight on. You are not in this alone. You are part of an army of God. With Jesus and the Holy Spirit there with you in battle. Always remember to re-equip yourselves as often as possible. Read, pray, study, learn and be accountable to others. If you don’t eat of the Bread of life, drink from the Living Water and worship Him who has given you life then you won’t be ready for the next battle. Lets get out there and fight with the hand grenades of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Using them to win the battle and to give God ALL the glory.

Be blessed, Ken

Are You Worthy

Well its been a little bit since I’ve posted. This is one subject I have been chewing on for some time. It is in Matt. 10:34-39 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. ‘

This can and is a hard section of scripture. Knowing and reading it is one thing. Applying it is another. What makes it so hard? At least for me is the obedience part. About 15 months or so ago I made the decision to be obedient to what He was calling me to do. In that time there have been friends and others who have wanted me to come back to where I was before. But I knew that when He told me that “if you go back to what you were before you have failed” I needed to go on.

During this time the Lord has given me encouragement about this path. It has come in the form of devotions, words of knowledge, prophecy and scripture. But when I found this one in Matt. I have had peace. What I have been chewing on is the part about being worthy. I don’t remember how many times I have said that Jesus is my first love or the He is the most important to me. To apply this has been something else. I have said that we need to be obedient to what God has called us to do many times in this blog. Know this, I have had to follow my own advise. At first it was hard to do. But as I have gone along it has gotten easier though not without some challenges.

Our world has gone the way of the evil one and is getting worse every day. And God has been aware of this all the more. So as we hear of His desire to make changes for the better we cheer. Then we think of how He wants to do it and where. He first starts with His children. The Church. Like anything else He wants to do He uses His people to get it done. That means we need to be obedient to what He asks of us. We can’t say “not my calling” or “this is for someone else” during this time. He needs you and me to do this. That is why I have been following this path. I want to be obedient. I want to be worthy. I so Love my wife and family, but Jesus is first.

So, I ask that you read over this section of scripture many times. Let it sink in. Then ask God what He wants of you. Where are you to go or what to do. And yes it may be hard to do. Yet, you will not be alone. He will be with you every step of the way. Equipping you and encouraging you as you move forward. Also remember that you are building up treasures in Heaven and blessings as you go. For myself, I have enjoyed watching God’s people move in their gifts of the Holy Spirit. Seeing lives changed for the better. Knowing God is the center of it all. So, To God goes all blessing, honor, glory and all the credit.

Thank you God for allowing me to be part of this. For encouraging me to step out in faith. To be obedient in all that you would have me do. For the times I haven’t done what you asked or was disobedient in any way I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for forgiving me.

Be blessed, Ken

Looking for a Flavor

Yesterday during service the Lord gave me a word I want to share. He said “What flavor are you looking for? My flavors are as numerous as quail in the desert. You can have your fill of what you desire. But what I want for you is to harken to my will. See I have laid out mantles before some. Others are to pick up my yoke and carry my burden. This is my will for all.”

The flavors He talks of are the different types or paths a church is following. You can search and find something you like. The mention of quail is a reference to having so much that you are sick and tired of it. With the chance that you may not be happy at all. Still looking for something to please you. Hoping to find that which is going to the one. Yeah, good luck with that. Your focus is on yourself. Not on the One who will be the difference.

When you take the focus off of yourself and put it on Him you will find what you are looking for. In Jere. 29:11 it states ” I know the plans I have for you…” Notice its His plans for you. Its not my plans that I want God to be ok with. So if God is the God of your life, then let Him have all of it. Ask Him what He would like for you to do. By doing this you have the opportunity to be obedient to Him. Doing His will pleases Him. One thing to remember while doing this is that He gets all the glory, honor and praise.

Where is your focus today? Whom do you want to please? There is one answer and its not you. Talk to the Lord in all honesty. He will let you know what to do and where to go.

Be blessed, Ken

Change Now

Hello everyone. I’m sorry its been a long time since my last post. Things happen and time just went by quickly. So, here is a word the Lord gave me back in February. “Is it a foregone conclusion that things are set and to remain? Because I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. No, “I am” is all you need to know. Change is part of who I am. Your comfort should be in me not your ways. I am changing things this very day. The more you let me the more you will grow. Don’t change the light to see better. Change the amount of energy you put forth. Don’t continue to plow the same area expecting the result to be different.”

This one stopped me in my tracks. To be clear most of it didn’t surprise me. It was the last sentence that stopped me. We have all done this to one degree or another. Thinking that this is the time we will see change. Hoping for a better result. Well it still came out the same and we wonder why. So, I spent some time thinking about this. As I prayed it became clear to move on. God has a new season for me and with it a new set of challenges. It all has to do with being obedient to what He would have me do. Now I just wait for a couple of things to happen first.

How about you? Are you in the same field as always? Trying to do something hoping for a better result? May I recommend that you stop where you are at and ask God for directions. I know as a guy its one of the few hard things to do. Ask for directions that is. Ladies don’t feel neglected. This is for you also. God wants all of His children to listen and understand who He is. People, don’t wait too long. For I believe that God wants to bless His people with their acts of obedience. But pray and seek Him. Sometimes though there is something that needs to get done first before moving forward. This is my case. Just ask God for help and thank Him for answering your prayers.

As always please share this posting with others. We may not know who needs to hear this. Thank you for reading and have a great season.

Be blessed, Ken

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