Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Category: teaching (Page 8 of 9)

Revival Pt.1

Here we are today talking about a topic this time. Lets talk about revival. We all have heard the church say that we need a revival. Revival is coming and stories of a great one coming again. We have this vision of those from the past being relived. This may be good and all, but why do we limit ourselves? Why do we chase around the country to get in on the latest happening? These revivals have lead to some great moves of God and His pouring out of the Holy Spirit into our lives. But remember that God doesn’t always do everything in the same manner all the time. We like things done the same way because we are comfortable with it. So, here are some thoughts I’ve had concerning revival.

I wrote down some questions about this topic. Like, what is it? What is it going to look like? What is going to take place? And, what is it going to take to get there? To start with lets go to Webster’s  dictionary and look to see how it applies to us spiritually. Revival: 1C1; a period of renewed religious interest. 1C2; an often highly emotional evangelistic meeting or series of meetings. So there we have it. Its interest and emotions. Thats its we are done. Well not quite. Its just a definition that leads us to the second question of what’s it going to look like. An example that comes to mind is 9/11/01. right after the attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon people started to go to church in the masses. We were seeing great numbers of people returning. The problem is that it didn’t last. Why? Because they went out of fear. Not out of a renewed or closer walk with God. Some stayed and are still attending today, but not many. We are having more today, because people are looking for answers and are being honest with themselves. They need to know and are finding the truth. These people are looking beyond interest and emotions. In Jesus’ time the people followed Him with interest and emotion. But when it came to the time of truly being a believer they fell away and denied Him. Even to the point of chanting for His crucifixion.

Another example are the likes of Brownsville and the Toronto airport revivals. These were more than interesting and emotional. They had the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They changed lives and made lasting impressions in the lives of those who were there. They empowered people to go out into the world and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Signs, wonders and miracles all happened. Even still to this day. So, what is it going to take for this to happen today? We’ll talk about that in part 2. I will give you an insight into part 2 with this; go take a long soaking in the tub.

Please remember to share this with others and to register for this site. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Be blessed, Ken

The Letter of Life

Here we are making another attempt to write this post. My first attempt was deleted while I was still writing it. So this post is important for someone or some people. There was too much happening during the first attempt to say that it was an error by me. So God be glorified in this post and have it reach those people you intend to reach. Thank you God and Amen.

A couple of Sundays ago the Lord spoke through me a message that we all need to hear. It went ” I see the dancing. I hear the singing. I see the joy. I hear the praise and worship. But I ask that if your life were a letter how does it read? Is it fiction or something that I would want to read. This letter should bring joy. This letter should bring love. Come to me and start this letter. Make it a letter that I would want to read all the days of your life.” The beginning starts with God telling us that He knows what is going on. We can’t fool Him. He sees and hears all that we say and speak and do. That is why He said this. Knowing all this He goes on to ask us a question. Are we living a life that speaks of Him? What a great question this is. Makes me take the time to stop and think about it. Am I living His kind of life? What does it say? Is it about me or Him? I honestly want to say that it talks of Him. Although I know the answer is ” not totally.” That being said, I (we) need to ask where does it need to change? If we spend the time praying and resting in His presence we will get an answer.

The answer is about what is standing in the way of His joy and love. What needs to go and what needs to altered. Is it pleasing in His sight? Are we going to settle for good or pleasing? Or are we going to strive for perfect? Do we talk about that which is good and building up one another? Or is it fiction in His sight? God’s joy and love are what people need and want today. This is what He wants our lives to speak clearly. Remember the great commandment is about loving God first and then your neighbor. Nowhere does it talk about me first and everything else follows after it. Our lives should be a gospel of Jesus Christ. His word. His truth. His love and grace.

To get this He tells us to go to Him and get started on this letter of life. He will make it a letter that He wants to read. We just need to let Him. If we do He will read it all the days of our lives. God doesn’t say things just to hear His own words being spoken. This is what He wants of us now. The time is coming of Jesus’ return. Are we doing all that we can to spread His gospel? Our neighbor may not actually read the bible, but they do pay attention to how we live our lives. Looking for an opportunity to tear us down. Remember that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except by Jesus.

Thanks for reading this and please spend time going over your life. Let it speak clearly of Jesus. Share this post with others and have an outstanding day.

Be blessed, Ken


The Turnbuckle

A couple of Sunday’s ago the Lord was telling me of a turnbuckle (pictured). Having used these before I understood what He was talking about. I just didn’t know what He meant by it. As I pondered it for a little bit I had a close friend pray with me about it and I asked him what the Holy Spirit was saying to him. He gave me what he was impressed with by the Holy Spirit and I thanked him. But I kept thinking about this turn buckle.

First let me explain its purpose and how it works. Its purpose is to tight or loosen tension between two points. This is used often with gates to keep them from sagging in the middle. I have used it at work for an emergency pull cord to quickly stop a conveyor. It works in a manner that it is attached between two points. Such as a cord and a device that controls tension like the emergency stop device. Tension is adjusted by turning the center part in either direction. One way it will tighten it or the other way will loosen it. Drawing both ends of the turnbuckle in or out at the same time.

One of the first thoughts is how does this apply to me spiritually? Well what I noticed is that I like many people will focus on my situation only. Now if you cover up half of the turnbuckle you will only see a bracket and an end part that turns. So we start to urn the end part trying ti fix our problem or to change our situation. We don’t always think about the rest of it. Because we aren’t seeing the whole thing. Please note that we may not be allowed to see the whole thing because God doesn’t allow us to. Often times its after the fact that God shows us the whole picture. So, if we now focus on our half of the turnbuckle we know that its the “bracket” part that doing all the work of the adjustment. This is God doing His thing on two ends at the same time. This is of course leading us to another question. How do we know what is happening at the other end? The answer is that we may not know. But, we do have one thing going in our favor. Its called FAITH. In Hebrews 11:1 it states “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (NIV). We need to continue to do what is expected of us without worrying about the rest of it. Controlling the outcome is not our duty or choice. Being obedient to God and doing what He asks of us is. Believing in God to handle the other part can be the hard part. It does come easier to us the more we let go and just have faith. And when its time for us to see the other part, God will show us.

One example of this is Saul’s (Paul) conversion. As our Lord blinded Saul and spoke to him about going to Damascus He spoke to Ananias about Saul coming to see him and what he was to say and do for Saul. This is a good example of God working both ends at the same time. This is found in Acts 9:1-19. At first Saul didn’t know exactly what was happening but, He listened and obeyed God. When He needed to know something God told him at that time. Faith is a powerful thing to have. Faith is letting God be God. Allowing Him to do what He does when He does it and how He does it. Then we say Thank you and give Him all the praise.

So, keep a turnbuckle near you in your prayer/study area. This can and will remind you to have faith and let God be God. Doing exactly whats best.

Be blessed, Ken

P.S. please register on this site and pass this along to others so that they may be encouraged.



Well here we are in the new year and The Lord gave me a word to share with you. At the end of the year The lord told me this. “Change; refinement, adjustment. Not who you are, for you have been prepared for this time. Just your habits need work. Don’t settle for that which is good or even pleasing. Perfect is the key. No need to strive for this. You are already there. Only one vision is needed and that’s mine. Why go there where I’m not. My will, my vision is perfect. Don’t doubt. Listen to me. I won’t put you where I don’t want you. I’ve laid out before you a path that I want you to walk. Trust and obey. That which is, isn’t. That which should be, isn’t. That who is before you is. Look up and take hold of who is.”

In the first part of this we get a definition of change. This is His definition. Not what we think of when we hear the word change. Its a rather small change. Using the words refinement and adjustment leave us to thinking that we are close to where He wants us. Then giving us the area of what needs work. Our habits. Often times we start out with good intentions, but fall short of what is truly needed. Its easy to stray from that which is challenging. There is an expression that says old habits die hard. Do they really need to die or just be refined.

So our Lord gives us more guidance by telling us not settle for good or pleasing. We will get started and find that it is hard and stop at good or pleasing. Thinking that this is enough. Its not. He wants us to go all the way. Like when He told Peter to come to Him on the water. Yes, Peter asked a question and Jesus answered by telling him to come. So Peter left the boat and went to Jesus. When he saw the waves he became frightened. Jesus then reached out His hand and helped Peter up. At that point Jesus said to Peter “you of little faith, why did you doubt” ( Matthew 14:22-34). Doubt and fear go hand in hand.

Continuing in this tone the Lord tells us that perfect is the key. But, don’t get all worked up about. Because He says that we are already there. Going on to tell us that His point of view is the only one that matters. Don’t look in a mirror and tell the Lord that He is wrong. Though remaining humble about it is also what he wants Not someone being overly proud of themselves. Adding that His way is perfect and just walk the path He has set before us. It may be hard, but we need to do it. He didn’t say it would be easy. He did say to trust Him and obey Him.

This last part is also a warning and an answer. We are not to trust what we see. Things will appear to be the right way but are not. Answers and responses are going to be the correct ones. At least that’s what we think. To know for sure, we are to look up to Him for the answers. We look up by going down to our knees in prayer. Having a conversation with Him who matters most. Him who has all the answers. Him who is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus has our best interests in mind. Lets just trust Him and obey. It is not easy tom do all the time. But it is what we need to do. I am saying this because this prophecy is speaking to me. And if its speaking to me I’m sure its speaking to many of you. Your not alone in this walk. The Lord said that he will never leave you nor forsake you. This is my comfort. Is it yours?

Be blessed, Ken

P.S. Please also remember to register on this site and share this with others. Comments are always welcome. So please leave one when you are prompted to by the Holy Spirit.

Looking for Him

Here I am today thinking about our family trip out to New Mexico to visit our daughter and her family. This trip has been eye opening for me to say the least. I had been having some really bad cramping in my left leg on this trip. I’ve had cramping before , but not this bad. It was bad enough to require stopping about every hour to hour and a half. That makes for a long trip becoming longer. When we got to our daughters, I went to a pharmacy and talked to a pharmacist about it. She said to take some minerals and stretch it out. Stopping a lot to do this. It worked ok, but the pain was still coming often while driving home. It was more bearable and easier to to get back my strength. I’m saying this because I see something here. It was my left (weaker) leg. The one that doesn’t do anything while driving. Its just there and relaxed. Bringing the thought of where the enemy will attack us. He will attack us at our weakest point. So I prayed about it and then some more prayer for it. So why wasn’t I healed? The answer may be as simple as God had other plans. These plans may have been to keep me in contact with Him. They may be an answer of not yet. What ever His reasons are I am thankful.

On our way home we were traveling behind the most resent big storm to hit this part of the south. We had gotten about 5 hours maybe 6 into our trip when we were detoured off I-40 and to the local town of Tucumcari, New Mexico. Apparently the storm had left quite a bit of ice on the road ahead of us. They shut down the interstate in the area. So as I was driving toward town I noticed US Highway 54 going north. I took it and asked my wife if she could find out where it went. She said that it went at an angle toward the northeast. Leading to Wichita, Kansas. As this was my goal we we left. To make things clear. I had been planning my route home based on this weather. Thinking I would avoid the worst part of the storm if I went up I-35 at Oklahoma City. But this storm had done its damage even closer to us than I thought. So God let me follow my plans as far as I could and then He made some changes. This path home took about 3 hours longer, but we made it home when we planned to.

While driving on Hwy 54 we were coming across roads with slick spots. Cars and trucks in the ditches on their sides and roofs. All this happened the day before or evening before. Rain was coming down as we went along. Making driving challenging for us. God had His hand around us keeping trouble away. I know this  and beleave this. So when someone tells you that God doesn’t exist or that even cares tell them they are wrong. God cares for His children. We know this by the story of the lost sheep. He went after the one because He cared about it. How much more does He care about us?

As I think about this trip there are signs all along that God is alive and that He will take care of us. We need to just let Him. How do we do this? By listening to Him. Praying all the time even when things are going alright. Also by being obedient to what He is saying. Follow His truths and word. They won’t do you wrong. Listen to what He has to say. For His words will not fail us. God knows whats best for us. If you get one of those “something is telling me” thoughts. Listen It just may be the Holy Spirit.

Be blessed, Ken

Cotton Candy

As you begin to read this you might be wondering what does cotton candy got to do with my walk? Well lets start by describing cotton candy itself. Its light, fluffy, sweet and gives you a burst of energy. Because of the sugar content. This sounds like the direction much of the church (as a whole) is going. The messages are giving the body a quick boost in their walk. But, it doesn’t last long. There is no substance. Nothing of this gives the body what it needs. At this point it appears as if I’m just complaining. And I might be. Because the sooner we realize this the sooner we can get on track to change things. The enemy of our souls is not giving up. He wants us lost, confused and riding highs with no base below us. Then he comes in with his attacks and we aren’t ready for them. Many of these attacks are trying to make the world around us appear to be ok. Telling us that certain things aren’t so bad.

This last week at church there was a teaching on the pitfalls of pornography. I wasn’t able to attend due to working with the younger boys and teens. But, it was one I would of liked to sit in on. This is what we need. Once you know the enemies ways of doing things, then you can see it coming and prepare for it. Often its just a matter of not giving the enemy the time of day. Pornography is just one. Others include alcohol, drugs, road rage and even our attitude. All these and more the enemy uses to get us off track. Walking away from the one we love. Look at King Solomon. He had it all as king and was married to way to many women. This caused him to pay attention to their gods and not listening to God Himself. Not until later did he turn it around and get on track. But he did get back. How about Samson. He was full of himself because of his great strength and yet lost it all. He also got back on track and served God. This leads to another trick where the enemy wants us to focus on ourselves. It becomes all about me.

Do we remember the great commandment? Love the lord your God with all your heart,and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. the second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. Notice that me, myself and I do not appear in this. Its all about others. For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only son… Our guest speaker today touched on this very point indirectly. His ministry is helping and working with those who are in the greatest need. This in the worst of area’s of each town they are in.

So, I’m not interested in cotton candy. Paul even told the churches in his letters that they should be teaching. They weren’t because they were still eating soft food. We are to be reading the bible on our own. We are to be praying on our own. We are to be among the believers. Going to church is not to be our only source of food. When we do all these together we build and edify the body. Causing it to grow and be better prepared for the attacks of the enemy. Time is short in this world. Our Lord and Savior is coming back soon. Are we ready?

Be blessed, Ken

P.S. Thanks to all who mentioned that they have read and are reading these posts. Please continue to let me know your thoughts. Even mentioning that you read this post and others is encouraging. Also, share this post and the ones earlier with others. That they may be encouraged. Thanks


Last week I was listening to the Lord talk to me about mountains. He mentioned mountains and asked what He meant. He went on to ask which one I had to climb. Not knowing where this was going exactly, I listened. These mountains were described as fear, doubt, despair,and anything else that hinders your walk with Him. Then He asked at what point was my climb to overcome in peril. What causes a person to fail in their climb? Then He said no sin is to great to overcome.

Often mountains are used to describe the ascent to the top in our walk. Climbing to get closer to God. This time it was about obstacles. A true hindrance unlike a valley that is viewed as a low point. Not necessarily an obstacle. I’ve noticed that when I get over it quickly I seem to repeat it again. This is because I have tried to do it by myself. In my own strength. That was why I failed. When I went to our Lord in prayer asking for forgiveness and repenting of my sin I got relief. I also have seen answers at that point when I gave it up to Him and asked Him to help me. He did and I am better off than before. So he next time it happens I start try to do it myself  and in the middle of it all I stop. Saying what am I doing. I go to the Lord in prayer for the help I need. For Jesus is our strength, our life, our truth and all we need in our time of trouble. After the answers come and help has arrived, we need to start listening to the Holy Spirit for guidance. He will warn us when it tries to happen again. Being warned we are better prepared to not go there. All this doesn’t happen overnight, but it will come. It is a daily thing we need to do. That is going to and spending time with God.

I ask at this time to not fear the mountains. Only in fictional comic books does one simply fly over them with ease (superman is not real). Just go to God and get what you need. When we don’t fear them they may actually become tools we learn from. Using them to help others in similar situations. This is all part of building up the Body of Christ. Because we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. A testimony is built up not given.We will be better off when we go to Him first.

Be blessed, Ken

Massage Therapy

This last last month or so I’ve been planning on redoing the shower in my basement. One suggestion made to my wife and I was to use a river stone tile for the floor of the shower. Thinking about this, we decided it was a good idea. It will help out our feet and keep them from standing in water the whole time during the shower. So, last Sunday I was thinking this over and the Lord started applying this to my walk with Him. I had this picture of a rough and bumpy surface that I needed to go over.

The more I thought about it it made a lot of sense. The rough and bumpy surface would tenderize my tough and strained muscles. Now it was time to apply it to my walk with God. Have I grown to a point that I’ve become tough. Or to a point that I won’t let anything or anyone penetrate this outer me. Why do I do this? Most likely to avoid being hurt.

In the scriptures it tells us that He is the potter and I am the clay. The clay needs to be soft in order for it to be made into something useful. It is His hands that make us. Not ours. So if He needs to put me over a rough and bumpy surface (or time) in order to get me soft for Him, then let it happen. For I don’t want to be cold and tough. When I mentioned this to a friend of mine, he talked about when he would lift weights and work out. Explaining that the muscles need to be stretched and ripped in order for them to grow and become stronger. This is what we need. To be ripped and stretched by Jesus our Lord. Being made into what He needs us to be. Otherwise we will be too tough and hard. We will dry out and be useless. Think, when something gets dried out it will crack and break easier. Thats where the enemy wants you to get to. Then the enemy dumps on you and buries you in lies and garbage.

This is not an easy thing to go through. But, it is necessary for growth. Will it be fun? Maybe not and then again maybe so. Remembering all the while that Jesus is preparing His bride. The times of the end are getting near. Are we where we need to be? Are we soft enough to be used by God for His great purpose. Join me in massage therapy, being softened to the point of being pliable. You won’t regret it.

Be blessed, Ken


Here we are, another day another thought. Lately I have been watching marriage proposals online. I’ve spent a few hours watching these. Some of them have been well planned out others have been rather quickly put together. I started wondering why I was doing this. Then today it was clear. I was at a funeral with my wife. It was for a dear friend who totally lived a life of that of a servant for our Lord and Savior. She was a great woman of God. A true example for women and men alike to follow. My thoughts during these days had been of celebration. She has gone to be with our Lord.

This leads me to my thoughts of weddings. We have one coming at some point in our lives. At least those of us who have received Jesus Christ as our Lord. This friend has run the race and won. She attained the prize we all want. For the the bible we are called the bride of Christ. Therefore Jesus is the groom. His proposal came at a time we were not alive. His proposal started when He was hanging on the cross paying a price He didn’t have to. This proposal was fully put into place on the third day when He rose and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. And all we have to say is yes to Him making Him our Savior.When you say yes to Jesus, you become the bride.

These days our society is all messed up. Killings, murders, and rapes are happening at a very frequent pace. Morals and values don’t matter anymore. That which is good has become bad. The bad is now good in their sight. We need to spend more time with God. Reading his word, praying for others, and living a life worthy of His name. At times it may seem to be a bit overwhelming. Almost to much to handle. But don’t give up. Draw closer to Him. the prize is waiting. Just persevere each and every day. The proposal has been made. Say yes, read his word, pray, and live your life obedient to His truths. Do this and you will receive a life with Jesus in Heaven.

Be blessed, Ken

P.S. Thank you Joan for your great example.

Don’t Give Up

This last week has been difficult for me. I was laid-off (I volunteered ), I’ve been reading more and spending more time with Him. Its just that getting into His presence has been challenging. The problem is that I’ve been distracted more. Trying to rest and heal from some sore mussels from work. getting things done around the house. Spending time with my family. My point is that I’m getting closer. We have the habit of giving up to early. Or we go around sulking until we get the attention we want. God knows what we are going through. What we need to do is relax and just talk to Him. First thing I recommend is repentance. Taking time on our knees is always a good thing.

Since then I have been listening better and hearing more lately. Some of which needs more time spent with Him. Other stuff needs me to change some behavior. I wouldn’t be in this position if I had given up. I also wouldn’t be in this position if I had only been a lot less distracted. Needless to say, I’m spending my time a little more wisely.

Repentance is a first step. A second one is wise counsel. Talk to another believer that is mature in their walk. Talking to an elder, pastor, or even a teacher. That is why we are called a body (singular). In James 1:19 it mentions we need to be “quick to listen, slow to speak” and it goes on about being angry. Applying this to our prayer time or even quiet time can do wonders for us. We can train ourselves to listen more clearly. We also can train ourselves on how to get closer to Him easier and more regular. A third step is to read more of His word. After all Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The bible doesn’t tell us this just to build Him up.

If you’re wondering around in nowhere land, stop and listen. Ask Him for help. Repent in order to have a clean slate. And don’t give up.

Be blessed, Ken

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