Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Category: teaching (Page 9 of 9)

All you need is Me

As I sit this morning I’m going through some of what God has given me lately. The first one I see is this word from the Lord. Its about a month old, but still good for today. So here it is. “My breath is life. My words are nourishing and true. They bring life to the soul. The fatherless are not forsaken. I am their Father. Therefore they are not without. How long will you walk in silence? How long will you walk alone? Turn to me and never be alone again.I have not forsaken you. You are precious and beautiful in my sight. And my sight is perfect. Remember that when they speak their lies to you. No other name but mine has authority. All they have is what I have given them. All they have is what I let them have. My name is precious. All you need is me.”

These words are for both the lost and for those who are in need of encouragement. In this world today the devil has an abundant amount of lies going on. Attacking both the saved and those aren’t. The first part of the prophecy is about what God is offering us. He is life. His words are true and do give us nourishment. They are exactly what we need. nothing can be as filling as His word. With that He addresses the lost. So often they feel alone and not belonging to anyone or even a family. Yet He says that they are not without Him. He told the Israelites that He is their God. Today He tells us that He is our Father. Making it even more personal. In Luke 15:1-7 Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep. He cares enough about the one that He left the many and went after the single one.

After this section He reminds us whose view is important. His is the only one that matters. Don’t let this get to heads to the point of putting ourselves above others. Just don’t forget the He has a better understanding and outlook then we do. We need to keep this in mind. Then He tells us the truth about the others who say things differently than He does. What they say and have is nothing compared to Him. After all they only have what God lets them have. We are His creation. Not the devils. This ends with the reminder that all we need is Him. God fulfills every need we have. Just let Him. Let us draw closer to Him today and give Him a chance to do it.

Be blessed, Ken


A Feather

This is something I have been spending time thinking about. I heard the Lord say “a feather is evidence of presence.” It has kept me thinking about His presence. Am I getting into His presence lately or even at all. Have I been spending enough time there. My thoughts have been focused on the presence part of the statement and not the feather.

Why would I focus on that. Well its the evidence part. You know a bird has been there by finding the feather. It is clear that a bird has been there and not something else. A feather is not evidence of a snake or even a bear. So this brought new thoughts of God. Is there evidence of God in my life. Has he been there and is He still here. Scripture says that His people will be known by their fruit. The fruit is simple evidence of God in our lives. In Gal. 5:22-23 Paul gives us the list of the fruit of the Spirit. People should be able to see them clearly in our lives. If they see the list in verses 19-21 then something is wrong in our lives. We need to reverse that trend and start walking toward God not away.

Another thought on the feather is what trail of evidence are we leaving behind for others to find? Is it a trail of foul language, theft, or even worse. But when you leave a trail of love, mercy and grace among other moral values you leave a trail behind that will lead others to God. For we are His children. We are the salt and light of the world. We are called saints and holy and true. So then why don’t we live like it. The world can be changed if we walk and talk like His own. Lets leave a feather on the trail that leads to God. Not rotten fruit. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. Its all about God not us. People are paying attention to how we walk and handle ourselves. Our lives may be the only Bible some people read.


Be blessed, Ken

Our Struggles

As of this writing I am on the last day of my vacation. One thing that was brought back to my thoughts was this last Saturday. We were travelling from the resort in Pagosa Springs  Colorado  to Albuquerque. Our route took us through Santa Fe NM.Once we were on the outskirts I got this wierd feeling I could not get rid of.

It bothered me to no end. When we stopped in town at  the capital  building I talked to my wife about it. In our talks she mentioned that there is a large hippie culture in the area. Then it all made sense. The “New Age” following is strong there. So prayed just aabout every minute we were there. The ill feeling  I was having was going away slowly.  The more I prayed the better I felt. After getting back on the road to go down to Albuquerque the feelings had all left me.

One of first scriptures that came to me was Eph. 6:12. Which states ” For our struggle is notagainst flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” At which I asked myself why Ifelt it more then they did. My answer  is that I’m in a different place spiritually than they are. It was given to me so that I would do something  about it. I did, I prayed against the oppression and strongholds I was encountering.  2 Cor. 10:4  says that our weapons are not of this world. They have divine power to demolish strongholds. In Jeremiah 1:10 God told him that he was appointed  over nations and kingdoms to uproot  and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. Are we to be any different?  Don’t  go looking for it. But when it comes across  your path, do something about itand pray.






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