Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Day: October 5, 2014

Dance at His Throne

Today in church we had a great time in God’s presence. It was during worship that I received a word from the Lord. I can’t tell it word for word because it was coming forth rather quickly.  But here is message  as best as I can recall.

Come dance at my throne. Come dance at my throne. You who are weary, you who are heavy laden. You fill your pockets with junk and garbage. You carry baggage that you do not need. They are only an imitation.  Dance at my throne and you will crush them. I am the Lord your God. I am all you need. From the beginning, I am the Lord your God. You were not meant to carry this stuff. Dance at my throne. You will have victory. You will have freedom. You will walk upright. I am the Lord your God.

The point here is we have this stuff we keep because we are comfortable with it. Or we keep it because it has a hold on us. We need to let go of it and give it up. When we worship and praise HIM, we move into His presence. We go to His throne and are strengthened by Him. Dancing before Him we will find that we are able to crush all that is trying to keep a hold on us. Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord. Until we surrender. Until we give let go of it all. It will be challenging to make a difference in life. Let go an let God. Surrender to Him all that is the junk and garbage in our lives. He is able to set us free and heal us. Live a life of victory in Jesus.

Be blessed,  Ken


The First Post

Well here I am getting ready to start up a blog. This is something that I have been praying over for some time. It first was suggested to me by a good friend ( thanks Larry). The content of this blog will remain in the spiritual category. It will have prophecy, testimonies, and teachings among other things related to our walk with God.

Please be patient as I am starting to get the handle on this. Postings will be sporadic at times and yet I may post more than once in a day. I am doing this to keep up with what God has given me to do. I want to build and edify the body of Christ. My goal is to bring healing to those who need it. Comfort to those wanting it. knowledge and understanding to those looking for more.  If you desire to leave a comment, please do so. As I welcome comments. As when I am teaching a class, all I have is what God has shown and given me. Other thoughts  and insights can only cause us to grow and gain a better understanding of the one we love.

Thanks again and may God show himself to you in a special way today.

Be blessed, Ken

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