On Sunday I gave a word from the Lord to the congregation. I will give you what I can remember as best as I can. This is not going to be exactly word for word. I don’t always remember it exactly, because I try to say it as soon as possible as to not think about it and therefore interject myself into it. It started with a call back to the basics. Love the lord your God and to love your neighbor as Christ loved the church. This is a mix of two  scriptures. First its love your neighbor as yourself (Matt.22:39) and husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church (Eph.5:25). I believe it was put this way to show how important it is.

Another part was the fact that there is a darkness covering the earth. We are living in perilous time. It must come so that God’s glory can shine. He is our only hope. There is no other answer. It continued with a call for the separation of the “wheat from the tare” (Matt.13:24-30). Are you a weed (tare) or are you the wheat ready for harvest? The answer is in your relationship with Jesus. If you have one and are a child of the only true living God, then you are the wheat. Otherwise you need to get right with God and receive Jesus into your heart and ask for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will be on your way to a great adventure the results in your going to heaven when its time.

There was more about His love, His glory, His truths. Notice this is not about what man thinks. Its about Him and Him alone. Take the time now to get closer to Him. You won’t ever regret it.

Be blessed, Ken