Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Month: April 2015

All you need is Me

As I sit this morning I’m going through some of what God has given me lately. The first one I see is this word from the Lord. Its about a month old, but still good for today. So here it is. “My breath is life. My words are nourishing and true. They bring life to the soul. The fatherless are not forsaken. I am their Father. Therefore they are not without. How long will you walk in silence? How long will you walk alone? Turn to me and never be alone again.I have not forsaken you. You are precious and beautiful in my sight. And my sight is perfect. Remember that when they speak their lies to you. No other name but mine has authority. All they have is what I have given them. All they have is what I let them have. My name is precious. All you need is me.”

These words are for both the lost and for those who are in need of encouragement. In this world today the devil has an abundant amount of lies going on. Attacking both the saved and those aren’t. The first part of the prophecy is about what God is offering us. He is life. His words are true and do give us nourishment. They are exactly what we need. nothing can be as filling as His word. With that He addresses the lost. So often they feel alone and not belonging to anyone or even a family. Yet He says that they are not without Him. He told the Israelites that He is their God. Today He tells us that He is our Father. Making it even more personal. In Luke 15:1-7 Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep. He cares enough about the one that He left the many and went after the single one.

After this section He reminds us whose view is important. His is the only one that matters. Don’t let this get to heads to the point of putting ourselves above others. Just don’t forget the He has a better understanding and outlook then we do. We need to keep this in mind. Then He tells us the truth about the others who say things differently than He does. What they say and have is nothing compared to Him. After all they only have what God lets them have. We are His creation. Not the devils. This ends with the reminder that all we need is Him. God fulfills every need we have. Just let Him. Let us draw closer to Him today and give Him a chance to do it.

Be blessed, Ken


Giving Thanks

As this blog is about our life in Jesus Christ. Lets start by giving thanks to Him who has given us life and even more abundant. Today we celebrate the completion of His great sacrifice. His resurrection and ascent to Heaven to sit at the Fathers right hand side. Spend time in His presence today and those to come. His sacrifice is incomparable. It can’t be matched. So don’t try to match it. Praise Him, worship Him and remain obedient to His truths and ways. Giving thanks for what He has done. Sharing this good “great” news with this lost and dieing world. The gospel has not changed in 2000 years. And the answer is simple. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Mal. 3:6 says “I the Lord do not change.”

Thank you Lord for this day you have given us. Thank you Lord for all you have done and continue to do. Your Love, your grace, and your mercy are received with a very humble heart. Its hard to really and truly express my gratitude. Be with us this day as we celebrate your life. Let us sit at your feet today and enjoy your presence. Thank you again Lord for all you have done. I ask this in your great name, Amen.

Be blessed, Ken

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