This last week has been difficult for me. I was laid-off (I volunteered ), I’ve been reading more and spending more time with Him. Its just that getting into His presence has been challenging. The problem is that I’ve been distracted more. Trying to rest and heal from some sore mussels from work. getting things done around the house. Spending time with my family. My point is that I’m getting closer. We have the habit of giving up to early. Or we go around sulking until we get the attention we want. God knows what we are going through. What we need to do is relax and just talk to Him. First thing I recommend is repentance. Taking time on our knees is always a good thing.
Since then I have been listening better and hearing more lately. Some of which needs more time spent with Him. Other stuff needs me to change some behavior. I wouldn’t be in this position if I had given up. I also wouldn’t be in this position if I had only been a lot less distracted. Needless to say, I’m spending my time a little more wisely.
Repentance is a first step. A second one is wise counsel. Talk to another believer that is mature in their walk. Talking to an elder, pastor, or even a teacher. That is why we are called a body (singular). In James 1:19 it mentions we need to be “quick to listen, slow to speak” and it goes on about being angry. Applying this to our prayer time or even quiet time can do wonders for us. We can train ourselves to listen more clearly. We also can train ourselves on how to get closer to Him easier and more regular. A third step is to read more of His word. After all Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The bible doesn’t tell us this just to build Him up.
If you’re wondering around in nowhere land, stop and listen. Ask Him for help. Repent in order to have a clean slate. And don’t give up.
Be blessed, Ken
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