Back at the beginning of the month the Lord had said to me these words. “I am the praise of my people. I am the praise of those called by my name. I am the praise of those who come to me on bended knee. I will not give up this praise. I will not share it with anyone or anything. I am a jealous God. They will not take this from me. Nor will they take my people. I have cared for them from the beginning. Whoever does this will not succeed. Who has the strength to try? For it does not compare to mine. I am the light of life. I am the bread of life. I am the living water. Whoever comes to me shall be forgiven. So, come to me and be free. I am here and will not go away.” A first quick read of this shows God stating His authority. There is none like Him. Whoever sets themselves up in this manner will fail. There are no exceptions. Notice the use of the word “will.” This doesn’t mean possibly. Its a definite statement. Also notice the use of the word “am.” Its not ” might be” or “could be” or even a “should be.” Its a definite statement again.

Now when we look at the prophecy we will see the word “praise.” In this application its used as a noun. In particular praise means glory. One definition of praise is; of those on account of, and by reason of, whom as God’s heritage, “praise is to be ascribed to God, in respect of his glory. This is from Vines dictionary. Their are other meanings, but this is the one that applies here. It makes sense when you insert glory for praise in this prophecy.

The next section talks about us being His people. Like a possession. This is a common statement from our Lord. You will find similar statements throughout the old testament. Where He says things like “I will be their God and they will be my people.” To be His possession is a good thing. we will belong to one of two figure heads. Either good or evil. Either God or the devil. There is no middle ground. It is either on e or the other. Whom do you choose this day. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Sound familiar? Go to Joshua 24:15 and read it for yourselves.

The third area God talks about is who He is. These qualities are the best we can get. We need no more than this. Its all we really need. Light, bread, and living water. The absolute best of what we can have. The perfect combination for our lives. Then He makes a plea for us to join Him. He wants all of us. He wants all of who we are. When you are offered the best, why waste your time looking around for something else. But, we have been looking around for other sources. God knows this and He tells us to stop it. We have a choice. But really we don’t. Nothing compares to Him. The choice is a simple one. Make it today and truly be free.

Be blessed, Ken

P.S. I pray a blessing over everyone who reads this that the new year bring joy, happiness, grace and God’s love to you all. Please share this with others. Also register and let me know that you read his. Your thoughts matter.