Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Month: July 2016

The Fountain Flows

A couple of Sunday’s ago Our Lord and Savior gave me a word. As I gave this word the Lord was creating an image. It started out with the picture of a fountain in a field. It was flowing freely. Then He went on to talk about trees being planted near the fountain. This all makes sense since the trees need water to grow. Our Lord then said that he walks among the trees and prunes them. He said these trees bare fruit in their season and the leaves are large enough for shade. Afterward the Lord asked if we are a tree near the fountain. What a great picture this is. Our Lord walks by the trees in the field as they are watered by the fountain. The Fountain is also a symbol of our Lord. For in the Gospel of John Ch. 4:7-14 Jesus talks about being the living water. We are to be drinking of this water daily. Not just when it is convenient or when we are really thirsty, but always drinking of the water. Thats why we see the fountain flowing. Its living, flowing freely to the trees that are thirsty and drinking of it. Can you imagine the fountain filled with water that was not flowing? Water just sitting there getting scummy and stuff sitting or growing on it. I’ve seen ponds like that and its pretty nasty. Jesus is not that way though. He’s constantly moving and flowing. Going about His people and giving them all that they need.

Although the main focus was Jesus and the fountain. We also heard of Him walking and pruning the trees. Pruning the dead parts or even the unwanted parts off the tree. This shows the importance of spending time on our knees in prayer and repentance. Asking for forgiveness of our sins and the strength not to do them again. So, when we do this with an open heart and truly wanting forgiveness. Jesus will forgive us and give us what we need to not go there again. This pruning will only make us stronger. Stronger to stand up to the enemy and tell him “NO, I won’t go there.” In James 4:7 it says “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The key here is to submit to God. When we do that, He will be standing next to you in the situation. Showing the devil that you aren’t alone.

In  psalm 1 we read about man himself. How blessed a man is if he does certain things and isn’t blessed if he does that. Down in verse 3 it says, “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields  its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” When I was giving this word of the Lord, I did not even think about what it said in Psalm 1. This was pointed out by the children’s pastor right after it was given. Showing us that prophecy will go along with God’s written word. It won’t go against it.

Now the question remains, are you a tree by the fountain getting pruned or not? Are you reading and praying so as to get even closer to God? Even if you are, nothing says that you can’t do more to get even closer to Him. Making Him all and everything in your life. Pruning only hurts for a short time. Then we will feel better. God will be that much stronger in you. Guiding you in the path of your life with Him. Get into His presence and enjoy it. Its all part of being equipped to do His will and ready for whatever comes your way.

Be blessed, Ken

A Walk in the Park

The title of this post is only the most recent thought I have had on a subject many of us may have heard. So many prophecies have been given concerning Zion. Of those, the ones about the “wells being re-dug” are numerous. When I have heard these I often pictured a particular park in Zion. A park located on the south side of the town. This park is Ophir park on the corner of 31st. St. and Sheridan Rd. At the time I didn’t understand why, but now its more clear. This park has a stream running through it. Very little water is in it. Although it does flow, it moves slowly and around many obstacles.

First lets talk about the name “Ophir.” It means “fruitful region” by Hitchcocks Bible name dictionary. Ophir also appears in scripture many times. Referencing the fine gold found in that area. When you read about it the impression is that its of the finest gold found. King Solomon would send ships to Ophir just for the gold. You will also find it mentioned in Job and Isaiah.

All of this has come to my attention as I have been doing prayer walks down Sheridan Rd. in Zion. As I went past the park this last week I truly felt the Lord drawing me to this spot. The presence of the Holy Spirit was strong when I got there. So I went into the park to pray there specifically. Noticing that the stream was very shallow. With garbage in it. Sand bars that change the pattern of flow. Tree limbs, weeds and other stuff in it that doesn’t belong. The park itself is nice, but has many dead or nearly dead trees in it. As a whole the park is overgrown, weedy and just not taken care of properly.

So what does this all mean? Well by definition its not a “fruitful region.” No one would think it is by the dead trees and lack of overall care. The stream being shallow and having to go around such stuff in it that it appears to be stagnant. Then came this thought. How is it any different than the walk of much of God’s church? We may not be dead, but stagnant comes close. Where are the signs and wonders being done? Where is the “living water” flowing? Is it flowing? What obstacles have we put in the way? My prayers have been for God to raise up a remnant that will make a difference in this town. Willing to do what is asked of them by God. Going to where they are needed. Doing the will of Him who saved them.

I’ve also prayed for the “wells of living water” to flow freely again in Zion. To spring forth from the ground and bring healing to this land. Another prayer has been for the Holy Spirit’s fire to invade His church body. The church body on fire and in unity could set this town back on course to doing God’s will. Making a difference in the lives of the people of Zion and the region around it. This may sound typical, but I believe it can happen. All we need to do is listen and obey. Obey what our Lord is saying and freely saying yes. Yes I’m available for you Lord Jesus to do what is asked. We need to stop throwing garbage into the stream. Stop putting obstacles in the way. Remember its not about doing whats comfortable. Its about doing what is right by God. Saying yes to Him and His ways.

As a sign of all this happening I’ve asked God to show us. Let us know by having the dead trees coming back to life. Showing new life in them. Having the stream become larger and stronger. Flowing greatly and over flowing the banks. Do you believe in making a difference? Do you believe this can all happen? Then join me in prayer for Zion. Pray at home. Pray in the town. Just pray as the Lord would have you to. When this gets going it will reach into area’s north, south and west of Zion. Even crossing the Lake east and making a difference.

Thanks for reading and please share this posting with others. For all I want to do is to build and edify the Body of Christ.

Be blessed, Ken

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