Here we are enjoying a mild fall with temps about 15-20 degrees higher than normal and thinking about spending more time outside. This is interesting because God keeps talking about spending more time with Him. We can do both it just takes some adjusting our schedule. Like getting up earlier and reading the bible or spending it in prayer. And yet the bible tells us to be ever mindful. That means making a conscious effort to be with Him. Even while driving we can be praying and paying attention to what is going on around us. A good question becomes why is God seeking a greater amount of time with us. Its simple. Times are getting tougher on His children. The enemy of our souls is making a greater effort to stop the plans of God. The Devils time is running short and he wants to take out as many of God’s children as possible.

How is he doing it? By getting us to be complacent in our walk with God for one. By accepting worldly ways into the church for another. All of this leads to questions like “why don’t we see signs, miracles and wonders?” Actually we do. It’s that we aren’t looking hard enough or even in the right places. we don’t pay attention unless its big, elaborate, or loud. We want an entertainment value added to keep our interest. And don’t forget that we want to be done in an hour or so. There is no reason for a service to last over an hour.  Really, what have we become? As much as its about us, its even more about our Lord and Savior. He is the reason we live. He is the reason we have life He is our everything. Without Him we are not.

So, when the enemy attacks us we are not ready for it. We don’t know what to do. Scripture verses start to come mind like “resist the devil and he shall flee?” Why will he flee. He has nothing to be afraid of. But, when we look at the first part of that verse we see “submit yourselves therefore to God.” And that is the problem. Submitting is hard to do. We just get in the way of ourselves. Pride and arrogance come to the fore front. ” I don’t submit to anyone.” Or “I’m a Christian and the Devil has to leave me alone.” Well guess what, he doesn’t have to leave you alone and because you won’t submit and be obedient to God he is going after you with all he has. Which brings us back to the beginning of this post . Talking about spending more time with God. He is the answer for this time. No other can help us as He can. So, get off your hand made throne and get to your knees. Start a conversation with God and see what He is willing to do for you. For in Malachi ch.3 God says” return to me and I will return to you.” We need to make the first move. To get out of our own way and just say yes. Its not as hard as it seems. Then afterward you will feel better than before. Closer than before. Better prepared than before. And you just might be helping someone else at the same time.

Be blessed, Ken