Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Month: November 2018

Wine Not

Here we are on Thanksgiving Day and I decided to share some thoughts. Last Sunday in church while worshiping, I received from our Lord a short thought. It is all about the wine. Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach ailments. This was a wow moment. Because right after that I went to communion. When we take communion we take what represents our Lord’s Body and blood. The wine represents His blood. So, in the case with Timothy, Paul was telling him to take in Jesus’ blood to help with his ailments. It is like telling him to go to Jesus first. How often do we go straight to the medicine cabinet and get some pain med’s first. It is so much easier than asking God for help. Yes I know that medicine is only available to us because God has allowed mankind to find it. Even so, Jesus is not always our first thought. How many of our ailments can go away if only we went to Jesus first.

At this point I will confess that I will go to med’s for my ailments without thinking. Maybe this is why God is giving me these thoughts. When I thought about the wine and communion, I thought about having communion with Him even more than the usual Sunday at church. But really, its about more than that. Its about having time with Him. Praying, reading and just meditating on His word. Its also about just talking with Him. How much of our time with God is one-sided. When we read do we think about what it is saying or do we just read to get thru it? When we pray do we give God our list of wants and then end our time with Him? Do we even take the time to meditate on His word. Remember that Jesus is the word. I think as a male its been ingrained in us that we don’t need that stuff. It is a sign of weakness. When in reality it just the opposite. It is a sign and showing of strength in us.

As I have been taking this all in, I have also thought of how communion affects every aspect of our lives. How often do we ask for His favor? How often does God ask us to do something and we say not now because we aren’t comfortable with it? And yet we still want His favor. Remember the great commandment is Love our Lord Jesus and then our neighbor. We say we love Him, but how do we show it? By not listening to Him. Not giving Him time in our day. Not helping out other people. We have to remind our selves that it is not about us. But when we make it about Jesus and others it comes back to us anyway. For in others obedience to love, they will love on you with His Love.

So have communion with Jesus for your ailments, your needs and for your life in general. Do this and you will find yourself in a better position. A life full and ready for whatever comes your way. Thanks for reading this and please remember to share this with others for their encouragement.

Be blessed, Ken

The Dream and Beyond

Ok folks, here I am about to share something personal. First I will make it known that I usually don’t remember very many of my dreams. But this one has stuck out to me for some odd reason (lol). In this dream I was walking about when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me toward him. When he got a hold of me he proceeded to grab me around the waist from the front. His grip was strong and would not let me go. At this point I tried to screamk and couldn’t. I was unable to make any sound. Trying to scream so hard that it became hard to breath. when screaming wasn’t possible, I managed to try kicking him and that is when I suddenly woke up. Some background detail of this dream. One, I could only see the top of his head. It appeared to be a man based on the shorter style hair cut. Very typical of today’s style. Next is the fact I could not see any background detail at all. Nothing but a blank background. I also felt a strong evil atmosphere. This is probably why I tried to scream. When I kicked at him and woke up there was a sense of relief.

So, there it is. If anyone has some valid thoughts please share them. I am interested in reading them. I do have my own, But would like some other input. I did share this dream with a close friend and we came up with an idea or two or three etc. Please leave your thoughts on this blogs facebook page or even here in the comment section. Thank you for reading this. Now on to other area’s.

An evangelist friend share a prophecy he received. Putting it on social media for people to read. In part of it he talks about the River and what it stands for. I found this to be very interesting. Seeing that I may have mentioned the River and other forms of water before ( read previous postings) . This is confirmation for me. About 2-3 weeks ago our Lord gave me a vision of a tree along the River bank. This tree was in full leaf and beginning to drop them. Then a strong wind comes along and blows the leaves away. At this point He tells me of His word about the leaves being used for the healing of the nations. God sent the strong wind in order to get the leaves where they were needed. So, no matter where you are you should be drinking of His water and living in the River all the time. And when its time He will send you out to where He needs you. Or even your words and prayers to where they are needed. We are the trees along the bank drinking from the River. Just remember that the nations are not necessarily area’s with borders. They quite often are people living among us everyday. Remember that we are to be obedient to His call. We may be the one’s He has put in place to help or even heal people in our path and walk in Him. Having the words and or tools to provide this help and healing to them.

This is where I give a simple reminder to pray for those in authority. Whether its your pastor, teacher, boss or elected official. You don’t need to agree with them (elected officials) to pray for them. Hold them up and let God do the rest. Its His job and He wants to do it. Some times all we need to do is provide a path for Him to do His work. Thank you for reading this. Don’t forget to share this so others may be encouraged.

Be blessed, Ken


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