Hello everyone. Here we are in the new year. With the new year should come new thoughts and fresh ideas. Well, not today. We’re going to talk about being a real man. Lately our men’s ministry team is praying for the men of our church body. For it is time that the men are held up in prayer. Its time for a change to take place. The men need to arise and become the men God created us to be. We are to be the wage earners. We are to be the ones children look up to. We are also the priests of our families. We are to be loving and compassionate husbands and fathers. This is just the beginning of who we need to be.
There are some areas we are not living up to. One of these is to be the spiritual leaders of both our families and the church. Many do these, but not enough. It seems like we men are happy with the status quo. ” The women and our wives have enough of God for all of us.” Or another is ” I don’t like to overly express myself. Its not manly.” ” I have an image to maintain.” These are just a few of lies the Devil has been saying to us. When we read the Bible, we read about the men expressing their emotions at times. Like ” Jesus wept” or “they tore their robes and put on sackcloth.” These are examples of men being emotional. They we not afraid to show it.
Today it is hard to find more than a handful of men at the alter praying. Singing the praises of our Lord. Worshiping Him who set us free. How about crying because the Holy Spirit is moving upon you. We cannot be afraid to say yes. Yes, I will let it be known that I am in love with Jesus Christ. Yes, I’m going to be the example of a real man. One that will pray out loud. Sing praises of my Lord for all to hear. And live the life of a real follower of Jesus. Being obedient to Him. Guiding those around me into a closer and more fulfilling life with Jesus. Teaching His word to those who want to hear. Working with the church to bring His message to a lost and dieing world. Supporting those who are the leaders of the church. God created us to be so much more. Lets get started today. Stop sitting down on the job. Stand up and be counted.
Be blessed, Ken
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