Go for a walk in the River. You won't ever be the same.

Month: January 2020

First Things First

Ok everyone I’m at it again. This time I’m going to lay out some of what is in my mind and heart. As many of us are fasting right now we should be getting closer to God during this time. When you do, His voice can become clearer. During my time of fasting, He has me looking at my relationship with Him. This is kind of typical but, not in the usual manner. My last 2 blogs have dealt directly in this vain. The first about barriers between Himself and us. Then walking with Him in faith down a new path. Yet something is still missing. Its a subject that is not fun. Yes you have it, REPENTANCE.

Since the beginning of 2020 we have been hearing about blessings, prosperity and all the good this next year will bring. Only a few people are mentioning repentance. Why is that so? Simple, its not a topic people want to hear. And there is the problem. Tell me all that is good and the good that’s coming my way. This is the current way of thinking in the American church. Have you not read your Bible? It says that some will say that did we not prophecy in your name. Did we not do all these other things in your name? And yet Jesus said to go away for I do not know you. Why is this? How about the condition of their heart. Where was it at? The Bible also states the even the elect will be deceived. Why?

For the time of the end draws near. Confirmation of this comes from cross checking the bible with the news media. Everything that was good has become bad and vice versa. The Devil is working overtime now. He sees his time is running out. So, he wants to get as many as he can to give up their relationship with God. This is why repentance is vital right now. Get your relationship on track with God. Repent of your wrong doing. Ask for forgiveness. Receive a complete cleansing when you do. Now you are ready to go with God. For there is nothing getting in the way.

As mentioned earlier, people have been talking of blessings and all. This may be true, but until you have a clean walk there is still junk in the way. Its not that I’m against blessings. Its just first things first. Then the blessings will flow. We as a church have been doing things our way for too long. Its not about us. Its about God first and your neighbor second. If we follow God’s plan as laid out in His Word these blessings and such will come about. Remember that He wants obedience not sacrifice. We can’t even come close to what Jesus sacrificed for us.

Please folks, read the Bible and spend time in prayer. Ask for forgiveness. In Matt. 6:9 we have the “Lords prayer.” In the middle of it is the part of repentance. This comes before asking for deliverance from the evil one. King David asked for forgiveness right after he was told of his sin with Bathsheba. There was penalty to pay, but then the blessings came. These are but a couple of examples. Repent for the time draws soon upon us. Also remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Be blessed, Ken

Snow Way

Hey everyone I’m back again with another word. Here it goes. “The snow marks where you have come from. It doesn’t mark where you are going. Go forth, blaze a trail. Walk the unmarked path. When you walk with me the unmarked path will be clear. Have faith and go forward.”

As this was given to me I saw an open area. ON both the left and right of me were impressions in the snow. From footprints to tire tracks. But directly ahead of me was an open, clean and unmarked up area in the snow. It was so pure looking that I didn’t want to mess it up. Then I thought about the path (marks) behind me. Yes, I have come long way since I was first saved. Yet, there is a long way to go. In the vision I saw a small area in front of me. Not a large or vast area. Just a small one. This reminds me to look at what is directly in front of me. Don’t be overwhelmed with the big picture. Don’t be overwhelmed with what we think is the goal. Just focus on the here and now.

When we blaze a new trail we don’t do it alone. Jesus will walk there with us. Therefore its 2 sets of steps in the snow. What we need to do at this point is continue to be in God’s presence and in prayer. Making sure we keep ourselves in the straight and narrow. As mentioned in the prophecy is the need for faith. It takes faith to walk a path like this. It takes obedience to go forward. Walking this path will lead you to trials and challenges. Its not going to be easy. God didn’t say it would be. If it was easy then many people would be walking it.

This word was given to me during an all night prayer meeting. As I was sharing it God mentioned that he was going to do a new thing. Then this word became clearer to me. He can’t do a new thing down an old path. Or even a path that is being well traveled. Once again this takes faith.

I find this interesting in that it follows the word on barriers. One needs to be dealt with first before the other can take place. Which makes sense. For in order to walk an unmarked path we need to be able to hear clearly. There can’t be anything in the way. Having barriers will make traveling this way difficult. Why have extra challenges in our path when we can get rid of them with some preparation. Taking time to cleanse ourselves of sin is the first step. Repenting, asking for forgiveness and receiving His forgiveness are always important. Even if you are just beginning to step out in faith or do so on a regular basis.

If God is showing you or asking you to step out in faith then go. Be sure you pray first about it and go in peace. If there is not peace then keep in prayer until you get peace. Getting confirmation from a trusted mature christian seeking for you. Being sure you are going in obedience.

Stay in prayer and walk forward.

Be blessed, Ken


Well, good day to you all. It was the last Sunday of 2019 and our Lord gave me a word. First of all I don’t have it with me at the moment. What I do remember was the first part of it. The Lord told me “barriers are defiance.” A short yet very thought provoking statement. As I meditated on it I have come to realize that anything I put before our Lord is a barrier. Meaning that what I don’t want to give up becomes a barrier. Anything that I want to keep hold of. One example in my life would be music. Being a traditional hard rock fan from the 70’s on is the type of music I enjoy listening to. Thou it didn’t tell you to kill the cop or promote violence it did sing about sex and drugs. This is what I grew up with and knew about. And still this is what I choose to put into my mind. It has become a barrier between God and myself.

Now some could say that not all of it is bad. But the point is that it has a place in me that God wants and needs. It is like putting up your hand in God’s face and telling Him to talk to the hand because I’m not listening. So, my alternative is to listen to more worship music and good christian songs. At least this way I’m putting something good into me. In Phil.4:8 it says “Finally, brothers, Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” This says it all. Fill yourself with that which is good.

There are other areas of concern. Like TV, social media, reading, movies etc. and the subjects of sex, violence, porn and more. We have access to so much stuff it can be mind boggling. Another area is our careers. Putting in so much time into work by choice. Doing overtime because it means more money. This is something that can drive a person away from God.

All these areas and more can be barriers. Its whatever we put in between God and ourselves. If God wanted to He could destroy all the barriers Himself. But He doesn’t. For He has given us free choice of how to live our lives. That is why we need to choose to have Him in our lives. We need to choose not to have these barriers. If we ask God to help us get rid of these barriers He will. We just have to ask. Then we need to find an alternative to those things. Find something that goes with Phil. 4:8 and get closer to God. Let Him have all of your life not just a part of it. Not what we are willing to give up. Give Him all of it.

Oh and by the way some synonyms for defiance are: confrontation, contempt, opposition, provocation, rebellion, spite, affront and audacity. These I found at Thesaurus.com by googling the word itself. How does rebellion sound to you? Not exactly a word I want to use to describe my relationship with God. Think about it. Changing one area of our lives will go a long way toward a better relationship with God. Spend time in prayer to seek out help from Him. He will give you what you need to be an over comer.

Be blessed, Ken

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