Hello everyone, I’m here to talk about a word the Lord gave me a week ago. It went as follows. “The Tree planted by the River grows deep roots. Long and wide are they. The Tree grows tall, wide and deep. The Tree prevents erosion. Therefore you need more Tree’s. Prevent the erosion of my Word. Erosion causes detours of my River. Even to the point of stopping it. Grow, plant and take deep root in my Word.” This was given to me during a prayer meeting on a Sunday evening at a good friends church. First of all the “Tree” is a child of the Lord. One of His sheep. The “River” is the flowing of the Holy Spirit. With the “Word” being the soil that is eroding away.
So here we see a Tree that appears to be healthy. Growing well in the soil. In Deut.8:3 it states “…that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.” And what would that be? Yes, His Word. This is why the Tree grows so well. As this prophecy points out. But there is still a problem. We need more trees. With more trees His word is live and active. For it is easy to come against one tree. Now when there are more than one it’s a different story. Remember that a three stranded cord is not easily broken (Eccl.4:12). Can you imagine what a small remnant can do?
Now as we look at the erosion itself we see His Word being cast aside as there is no one to help this single tree. This is a good example of “iron sharpening iron” when there are many tree’s. We need all these tree’s to take deep root. To grow together. Which will keep the River flowing in its intended path. A path established by God for us. We tree’s need the River to keep flowing by us. Another symbol of the River is the “Living Water” talked about in John ch. 4. For the tree’s at the edge of the River draw from the River this “Living Water” and are fed from the source itself. Growing stronger all the time.
This word of the Lord points to our world today. We have an ever increasing desire to dumb down and even change the Lord’s Word. People are trying to make it fit their desires of today. God’s Word has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. We must be firm in our faith and stand strong in the face of change. “Take deep root” and encourage others to do the same thing. At a conference that I had recently gone to one of the main speakers talked about Rev. 21:8. This is a passage that mentions the second death. Of those going to it will be the cowardly. We all have at times found it to be difficult to share the good news at times. But this is not an option any longer. When he pointed this out in scripture, it caught my attention. There can be silence no longer. It may be scary at first, but as we continue to share it will be easier. Personally I am to old to worry about what people may think. I want to stand before God and hear “well done” when I’m in His presence.
Please be encouraged to pray about this. Spending time with God is always good. Trust me when I say that you are not alone in being uncomfortable sharing His Word. This is one thing that we must get over.
Thank you for reading this and please share this posting with others. Its a good thing to encourage others.
Be blessed, Ken
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