Hello everyone, its been a while since I posted last. Sorry for the time delay. Today I am going to share a word our Lord gave me. As usual His timing is great. It goes “Is a vase more beautiful when it is empty or when it is full? When its empty its beauty stands all by itself. It doesn’t need to be filled. But, how much more when it is filled with that which is most beautiful.” This word creates a picture that is true beauty. For God created us in His image. Therefore we (the vase) are a beautiful person. Contrary to what the world may say or want you to think. If nothing else happens to a person you need to remember that. As God’s creation we don’t need to have other stuff put into us to be beautiful. This is true as we stand alone.
Now the second part of His word uses the phrase ” that which is most .” The one who is “most” beautiful is God. God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. When God dwells in you your beauty is heightened. For His Beauty, Love, Grace, among other qualities, reside in you. In Isaiah 43:4 God calls us “precious.” Other examples are the way Paul addressed his letters to the “Saints, Holy and True.” We are called a royal priesthood. So don’t take these words lightly. God means it. For God cannot lie.
Our image of ourselves has always been skewed. Some people have an unhealthy view of being handsome or gorgeous. While others have a view that is one of being ugly or something to that effect. Both of these are wrong. Simply because they are self centered. Remember that the only view that matters is God’s.
In the world we currently live in is all twisted. Leading people into depression, despair, unworthiness and a feeling that they don’t belong among other things. these attacks are of the Devil. They don’t belong in your mind set. Remember Eph. 6:12 where it talks about our battle is not with each other, but against the enemy of our souls instead. This battle may not be the easiest to get thru. The good part is that you don’t have to do it alone. First of all God said that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Secondly there are other Christians who would gladly walk thru this with you. Whether its a pastor, deacon, elder or just someone who has been walking with God longer closer than yourself. This is the body being the body and helping each other out.
My friends, if you are dealing with this , then seek help. If you know someone affected in this manner, then be there for them. Share this posting with them. Talk to them. Read the Bible with them. Whatever it takes to get them the help they need. The only shame is the one that we try to keep hidden from others. Our world is all mucked up. This is exactly the way that the Devil wants it too. So, if he has his way it won’t get any better. But, we have the winner on our side. The One who holds all the keys to Heaven and Hell. The Devil has no authority over you as a child of the living God. Lift up your head and look to Heaven. God is there and He is smiling down at you. Receive that and leave your baggage at the alter. God will deal with it properly.
Be blessed, Ken
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