Hello everyone, lets talk about hand grenades. First off I must say that the following post is about a spiritual analogy. As I was pondering things this morning the thought of hand grenades came to mind (and no I haven’t watched any war movies lately). But the thought intrigued me.

These are items used to destroy various subjects. Usually the enemy, his soldiers and weapons. Wow , what a thought. We are equipped with Holy Spirit hand grenades. Used to destroy the enemy and all of his stuff. For the glory of God and the retaking of this land for Him.

You see we all have them its just that they are of different types depending on our gifts and abilities. An example is one who is called to be an intercessor. Theirs is the type will demolish chains, bondages, walls and others things that keep someone from their call, focus or even path laid out before them by the Lord. Now as for an intercessor these are not all encompassing. There is more to it. I only listed a few parts of it. A prayer warrior will use theirs to break strongholds for example. One who has discernment will use theirs to expose the enemy and make defeating them easier. I think you get the idea.

Some may say that they have been but have not seen any victory. There may be a couple reasons why this has happened. One is that we may not be fully trained in how to use it properly. Training comes from reading your Bible, praying and studying among others ways. Being a disciple of a teacher is one of the better ways. Another reason for lack of victory is that it may not have taken hold yet. Let me explain. Gods Word does not fall void. Something’s take time for them to take place. A prophetic word may be of the future. Or even one without a time frame mentioned. Then sometimes we need to learn to pull the pin and activate it before we throw it.

All this is to say we need to be doing, going and moving as one equipped of the Lord for battle. Its not just for the Pastor, Elder, Deacon and really gifted to do everything. All of us can and should be doing more for God’s kingdom. Find your gift. Know your gift. Understand it and use it for HIS glory. Now is not a time to be passive about things. Fight the Good fight of Faith. Start throwing these grenades and watch walls crumble. Chains and binds fall apart. Strongholds being demolished. Use them to clear a path for others to use their gifts in a more effective way. We are One body of many parts. All with gifts to be used for God.

Yes the enemy will fight back. Just know that you are hitting your target and need to continue to fight on. You are not in this alone. You are part of an army of God. With Jesus and the Holy Spirit there with you in battle. Always remember to re-equip yourselves as often as possible. Read, pray, study, learn and be accountable to others. If you don’t eat of the Bread of life, drink from the Living Water and worship Him who has given you life then you won’t be ready for the next battle. Lets get out there and fight with the hand grenades of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Using them to win the battle and to give God ALL the glory.

Be blessed, Ken