As the title states, lets talk about window shopping. We all have done it to some degree or another. In fact my wife and I take a couple days during the spring through fall time to go out to Lake Geneva. Its just a day here or another one there, but it offers us time to get away. Often we find ourselves looking at home listings posted in the realtor’s window. Its kind of fun to see how much they are asking. Needless to say they are wish lists. Priced WAY out of our budget. Now these listings have all the info about the homes the realtor’s think you need to know. Its all the appealing stuff. Photo’s to make them even more enticing. Details of the property. Location of the home. How many of this and how many of that. All good information. Trying to get you interested.
So, window shopping has its good points and bad. Kind of like our daily walk with our Lord and Savior. People are watching us all the time. Trying to find that something to put back into our faces. Something to make fun of. Something to accuse us of. Something to use against us to prop themselves up higher than we are. So, lets give them something. When we are living a life worthy of the name of Jesus Christ what do we have to fear? They will call you a nut case or stupid for following Jesus. Calling you weak. Out of touch with whats really going on today. High and mighty is one that comes up often. Or that we put ourselves above everyone else. If we are living a life worthy of His name, then we should be a window for them to see the truth. Thats as simple as Jesus Christ himself. How are they going to know of a better life if we don’t live it in front of them.
Nothing speaks louder than a picture. If they are watching you, then show them. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except by Jesus. Remember the second part of the great commandment is to love your neighbor. Show this by being kind and giving them a smile. It may be the only one they get today. Greet them with a friendly hello. Open the door for them at store. let them get in front of you in the line at the check out. Especially when they have fewer items the you do. Tell them to have a great day. I have been doing this more often these days and the reactions are wonderful. They respond with a heart felt than you.
When you go to a restaurant don’t be cheap. We as Christians already have a bad reputation for this. Be a good tipper. Say thank you after they attend to your needs. Engage them in some short conversation. If they appear to be having a bad day, then say something kind to them. Offer to pray for them. Encouraging words are always good. You just may get the opportunity to lead them in the sinners prayer. At the very least you would have your best to make their day more pleasant.
I need to mention that when we do fail don’t try to hide it. If we need to ask for forgiveness then do it. If you need to eat a little bit of humble pie then do it. This will also speak loudly to them. If we behave badly, we may not have another chance to correct it and truly share the gospel with them. It also leaves an image that they will not soon forget.
People will not always listen to us. They may even tell us to shut up or worse. Remember that Jesus went through a lot worse for us. Even being persecuted for His name is a good thing in the sight of Jesus. Lets show them the good things of Jesus. The things that make our lives worth living.
Be blessed, Ken
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