A week ago while at the alter praying before service I heard the Lord talk to me about our Fore Fathers. He talked about their path being overgrown. We need to take this path again. This is a path they took. Not a highway. It was the path least traveled. This would also explain why it is overgrown. Today, we don’t want to take that path. A highway with more people is appealing to us. After all there are more people to witness to. We need to go to where the people are. much of this is true. Except that we aren’t always prepared for this path. When that happens we get sucked up in that way of life. A life style that is fun and easy going. One that offers more money, more stuff and more of everything our heart desires. What is not to like?

How about all of it. Has God called us to a life style where we are no different than anyone else? We are the salt of the earth. We are a light guiding people to His great Love and Grace. Its not the other way around. The people around us need to know that we are different and not afraid to show it. You see, we who are called by His name are different. We have someone on our side that offers a way to heaven guaranteed. His name is Jesus. The author and perfecter of our faith. For there is no other way to heaven except through Jesus Christ himself. He is our strength. He is our courage. He is all that we need.

Lets look at our the people who went before us. A fore father can be someone from hundreds and thousands of years ago. Or even just a decade or two ago. Its one who decided to walk in obedience to God. Who was not afraid to be different or alone. Knowing that they were walking with God in His truths and ways. It may not have been popular, but it was what they needed to do. We do not need to go down the exact same path as before. We do need to continue to share the gospel to a lost and dieing world. Our fore fathers laid out a path of going before us and preparing a way. Some of us will go further down this path preparing a way for those to follow. Others of us will plant seeds and yet others will harvest on this path. God will direct us to the people who need  a word, healing or miracle. Remember that its His plan, not ours. We will be more effective following God’s way. He has been preparing us all the time. Just because the path is overgrown doesn’t mean that it needs to stay that way. Its the path that leads to the door of salvation. Its not a highway that leads to a large gate or worse a toll booth. Its a path. Then we can travel that path around to others  for the purposes of teaching, guiding, and encouraging His children. The path He has laid out before us is based on His plan for our life. Some paths are great and loaded with honor. Yet some are simple and quiet. Both paths are of the same importance in the eyes of God. Don’t be discouraged with a path that was not what you wanted. Its a path that is needed. If your not sure of the path, then take time to stop and ask God where to go. He will show you the way.

Our world is not the same as it was before. And then again it is. We Christians are still being persecuted. This is why we need to stay on His path. God will guide us through. Remember that He will not leave us or forsake us. For God is not bound by this world. After all He created it. We are the ones who have messed things up. So, lets stay on the path God has set out before us. Where as going down the highway may get you run over.

Be blessed, Ken