Hey everyone, how are you doing today. I am going to do something a little bit different this time. Today we are going to celebrate the life of someone close to me. You see a few weeks ago my Mother in Law Bernice passed on to her next adventure. She was saved and did love God. Serving Him in many ways. From taking mission trips to Jamaica to just being available to serve in any area that needed help. This alone tells us that she had a servants heart. We all can learn from that. For our Lord is looking for his people to be obedient to Him and serve. Often its not something large or overly complicated just a small task. If you are willing He will use you.

Another thing that was of interest to her were butterflies. She enjoyed planting those plants that would attract them. So if it was flowers or a plant that would naturally attract them she would set them out in areas to thrive. In turn they would be there for the butterflies to land on and such. Similar to us His children. God plants us out in the world to attract others. Being able to offer them eternal life in Christ Jesus. Not only did she do this, but some of her daughters would do what they could to help out the Monarch Butterflies. Starting with the eggs all the way to the butterfly itself. You see the butterfly lays eggs and eventually they hatch. Out comes a caterpillar which eats and eats and eats some more. Then when they get to the proper size they they change into a chrysalis. After a short period of time out comes a butterfly. The chrysalis is basically green in color (My wife would tell me the exact color. But I will stick to green) with a fine line of gold near the top. Green represents life and gold represents riches and splendor. Both of these are representations of Heaven. Its no wonder she liked all this stuff.

Much of her life is a picture of her walk with God. If she knew this or not we don’t know. Along with this is the fact that many of her children walk with God also. All of this points to one who loved God. As for her children , to walk with God is a way of carrying out her legacy. Just that you now have an opportunity to take it further.

Be blessed, Ken