As this blog is about our life in Jesus Christ. Lets start by giving thanks to Him who has given us life and even more abundant. Today we celebrate the completion of His great sacrifice. His resurrection and ascent to Heaven to sit at the Fathers right hand side. Spend time in His presence today and those to come. His sacrifice is incomparable. It can’t be matched. So don’t try to match it. Praise Him, worship Him and remain obedient to His truths and ways. Giving thanks for what He has done. Sharing this good “great” news with this lost and dieing world. The gospel has not changed in 2000 years. And the answer is simple. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Mal. 3:6 says “I the Lord do not change.”

Thank you Lord for this day you have given us. Thank you Lord for all you have done and continue to do. Your Love, your grace, and your mercy are received with a very humble heart. Its hard to really and truly express my gratitude. Be with us this day as we celebrate your life. Let us sit at your feet today and enjoy your presence. Thank you again Lord for all you have done. I ask this in your great name, Amen.

Be blessed, Ken